Hey all!
I wanted to let you know about 5 cool STEM tools that you can use in your classroom today! STEM is all about a mindset of blending these together Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math to teach 21st-century skills - the skills we need our students to know, now. STEM topics work and build off of each other to infuse STEM into the classroom. They work to prepare students for jobs that don't exist yet - how cool is that? STEM also incorporates the 4CS which is critical for every classroom - creativity, communication , collaboration, and critical thinking.

My friends without further ado, I give you 5 tools you can use in your classroom to finish your year off with STEM. Instead of writing it on in a blog post I decided to share it via this SWAY that I embedded below. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
You have the EduMagic in you!
- Sam