Welcome back, EduMagicians. Today, I am sharing some tips and strategies to help you get ready for student teaching-learning from the experience you have had in a short-term field experience. I share four main ideas to keep in mind when moving from a shorter-term (fieldwork) placement to a longer-term (student teaching) placement. This could look like for some of you going from a clinical one experience to a clinical two or from fieldwork to student teaching.
However you frame it, I have four strategies to keep in mind: building relationships, finding your teaching voice, getting all the things organized, and self-care! Here we go!
Some of my favorite takeaways:
Professional email tips
Conversation starters to think about when you are meeting your co-op
Build relationships with your co-op, admins, and of course, your students!
Document connections with each student in your class - so every student gets some of your attention
Observe others!
Document your learning
Office lens app
Tools to help you create digital activities - edulastic, teachermade, and wizer.
Start your day with the intention
Track your learning goals!
Take care of yourself!
Resources mentioned in this episode