Are you student teaching or completing a field placement this fall? Are you wondering, "How do I stand out during student teaching" or "How can I make a good impression in my school with my teacher?" Well then, edumagcians, this one is for you! We are going to share how you can stand out from others in-crowd as a fantastic student teacher or field student. You got this!
Alright, I have to start by saying this episode was inspired by an episode of the Wild Kratts on PBS - my daughter LOVES this show. She loves to activate her creature powers, so edumagicians, let's activate our flamingo powers - with me so far? OK...ACTIVATE!
F -find time for you 🗓
Schedule the time for your fieldwork/student teaching
Pick up a copy of the EduMagic Digital Student-teacher planner
Pick up a copy of the EduMagic Digital Future teacher planner
Plan in time that you can show some self-love
Make time to eat and sleep!
Schedule for work and relationships
L - lesson plan 📘
Complete all of the required components
Plan with intention
Go beyond the textbook
Try new things
A - Appreciate the experience 🙌
Student teaching is a learning experience. You are a practicing student teacher - learn from it. Student teaching is the only time you will have a certified educator in the room with you that has your back, so take advantage of it.
Ask questions
Learn from everyone
M - make a mistake 💡
OK, this is going to happen. You will make a mistake (maybe 2, 3, or 10!) That is OK. You are still learning. So accept it, and let's move on.
You are going to make a mistake. Own the mistake, reflect upon it and learn from it.
You got this.
I - intentional relationships 💜
Build intentional relationships with
Cooperating teachers
Other professionals (specialists, therapists,
Remember, relationships first - content second.
N - never give up - remember your WHY 🗒
Stop and reflect on your why - what got you into education? Why are you excited to enter the classroom each day? Pause and write it down - share it out! This concept will help keep you focused on days when it can be overwhelming, or you are wondering why you got into this job - focus on your why and keep it front and center.
G - get techy with it 🖥
Brush up on your edtech skills. Here are a few that I recommend:
Canva EDU
Office Lens
Store all of your learning in a digital portfolio
O - Observe with a purpose 🔎
During your first week or so, you will be doing a lot of observing, so make the most of it, but don't just go in with a blank notebook. Be intentional, meaning observe specific procedures, curriculum, rubrics, and professionals.
There you have it! Let's activate our flamingo powers today! If you enjoy this episode, take a screenshot and tag me on social (@SFecich)!