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5 Quiz Taking Tips for Students

Writer's picture: Samantha FecichSamantha Fecich

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

Welcome to the new semester. This episode discusses some of my best tips for taking quizzes as a college student. I've also included a 5-day study schedule for you to use to prepare for your test with confidence.

It would be best if you had documented in your agenda before you began the semester any assignments, quizzes, readings, and tests, so this quiz shouldn't surprise you. You will be able to plan your studies more effectively if you document all of the assignments ahead of time. Grab the future teacher planner here.

Cramming doesn't work, so let's not do it. In addition to knowing when the quiz is, you should also know what will be covered. To prepare for the quiz, you need to know what it will be. Additionally, don't simply flip through the pages and go through the motions of reading. There have been times when I have read but not read. I was going through the motions. Read the content carefully and minimize distractions.

What's on the quiz?

It's essential to know when and what the quiz is on it. You need to know what will be on the quiz so you can study the content. You might even want to know the format of the quiz too.

Next, don't go through the motions of reading and flip through the pages. I know there have been times when I was reading, but I wasn't reading. I was going through the motions. Read the content - take notes, and minimize your distractions.

Take Note

While reading, note the following information:

  • Definitions and vocabulary

  • Important dates

  • Terminology

  • Main points under each section of your text

  • Taking notes while you read allows you to digest the content.

Chapter summary

As you read the chapter summary, you will be able to identify the key points and ideas that you should take away from it. Here are some questions to ask yourself as you read the summary:

  • Have you understood these main points?

  • Could you explain them to a friend in a way that makes sense?

  • What are some examples of the main points?


After you read the chapter, answer the questions. Chapters include questions for you to answer and reflect on. List the questions in your notebook and answer them. Please take note of any questions you don't understand, and ask your professor about them.

Consider making a space in your notebook for questions you have while studying. Keep track of your questions while you study, or you can ask your professor during office hours, before class, or via email.

Additional resources

Your textbook likely comes with an online portal with more resources. This resource could include links to more materials, video tutorials, examples of the content discussed in the chapter, or a study guide. You may find it helpful to review this additional content.

Watch recorded lectures

Suppose you can watch the recordings of the lectures again. Rewatching lectures will help you connect your readings, notes, and handouts. Additionally, you might learn something new that you missed or gain new perspectives on the topic. You can also pause and rewind as needed.

Collect handouts

Organize all the class materials you received. Gather any handouts, presentations, PDFs, video links, etc. You received it in class. Also, compile your class notes. Be prepared for the quiz by reviewing the related materials.

5-day study schedule

A 5-day quiz study schedule can help you plan so you study a little at a time and you don't cram for the test. Grab the five-day quiz schedule here.

  • On Day 1, read the chapter and take notes. Gather all the materials you received from the class to help you study.

  • Day 2 - Review your notes for terms, vocabulary, key dates, and main ideas. Read the summary of the chapter. Create flashcards to help you remember the keywords from the chapter.

  • On Day 3, answer the chapter's questions. Review additional resources you found online.

  • On Day 4, watch the recordings of lectures to make connections. Meet with the professor to discuss any questions. Also, review content with a study group. No cramming.

  • Quiz on Day 5. You already studied hard during the week, so resist the urge to study hard on this day. Instead, browse your notes.

Remember that learning is not always reflected in your grade if you take a quiz. It's not about the grade. It's about the learning opportunity. If you didn't do as well as you thought on the quiz, reflect upon what you did well and didn't do well. Consult with your professor as needed. Use quiz and test opportunities as a learning opportunity. You can do it!


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