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Writer's pictureSamantha Fecich

12 Ways to Improve Your Teaching Resume

Updated: Jun 3, 2022

You are applying for a job, and you want to make sure that your true self shines through on that resume. Your resume is your chance to make a first impression on potential employers. You're a teacher.

You have the experience, and you want to make sure your resume tells a story that will help you land that job. In this episode, you'll learn what to add to your resume, organize it, and make it stand out from the stack of resumes.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • What should you put on your resume? Include a professional email, your name, contact info, professional social media, certification areas, and how to organize your content.

  • Teaching experiences:

  • You can list your teaching experience under your student teaching or fieldwork. However, you may have other paid or volunteer experience that could also be helpful for a school to see. Think about times when you've mentored, tutored, or cared for children in any setting. If you were a camp counselor, babysitter, or teacher's aide, you could list that experience on your resume. These experiences show that you've worked with children before and are committed to being an educator.

  • Additionally, any volunteer experiences where you've worked with children could be helpful to include here. An administrator could be impressed by your willingness to go above and beyond.

  • Be SMART with your teaching experience descriptions.

S - Share a story

M- Mention specific concepts

  • Whom did you teach?

  • What content did you teach?

  • Where did you teach?

  • What were the results of your teaching?

  • What did you learn from the experience?

A - Action words! Describe your experience: accommodated, prepared, developed, problem solved, maintained, and established.

R - Review the job posting. Look at the job description and highlight the skills they are looking for in that post. Show them that you are the BEST candidate for this job.

T- Timing! Put on your resume under each teaching experience the time you spent in that placement.

  • Volunteer work that relates to education. For example, if you have volunteered at an after-school program or even just mentored younger children, those are good to put on a resume. You can also consider putting leadership positions that you've held in education-related organizations on your resume.

Now what?

  • Before submitting your resume, make sure it's clear, concise, and consistent.

  • Be clear in your objectives. Be clear in your descriptions.

  • Make sure you use an extension like Grammarly that'll check your spelling, too. If you're going to be using something like Grimley for spellchecker, read it aloud to yourself. That's perfect because sometimes, when we read stuff aloud to ourselves, we don't skip over words or anything like that. You can hear our voice in there. So if it sounds like you, that's great! You don't want it to sound like someone else spoke for you—you want to have your resume share who you are and share what you do best: teaching.

  • Have a peer, family member, or professor read it over—the more eyes on this thing, the better.

  • Visit your career services, or even your writing center could help you draft that content for your resume.

  • Up next, do not use a template! Everyone else is using that template, and you want to stand out from that stack of hundreds of resumes.

  • My recommendation is to brain dump all the different things under those headings on a word doc or a google doc.

  • Create a Canva infographic that looks cool

  • Please keep it to one page.

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