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Writer's pictureSamantha Fecich

Teaching Job Interview - Nailed it! Ep. 5

Updated: Jun 17, 2024

You are in luck! This week, I was able to have Dr. Josh Weaver come into a practicum class as a guest speaker and share what he looks for in a teaching candidate. I want to share some of those nuggets of awesomeness with you! Let’s jump right in.

10. Proofread your application! Nowadays, most applications are turned in online using an online application system; very rarely are they turned in via paper and pencil. But no matter how you turn in your application, have someone proofread it. I don’t care if you are the best writer in your class. Have someone review your online application. This is your first impression, your first handshake with a district – so make it a good one! It may also be a good idea to read your application aloud so you can get a feel for how it sounds and make edits as needed.

9. Don’t start every sentence with "I"… Districts are looking for team players. When you start your cover letter with, “I did this, and I did that,” you might be in this just for YOU. So, take a note here. Please consider using terms like “We did this, we accomplished this goal, My co-op and I did this, etc.” You get the point. It’s okay to talk about yourself and highlight what you have done but frame it in a way that shows you have a collaborative spirit and that you play nice with others.

8. Balance: It can be hard to balance it all, but we are looking for balance when it comes to a resume or digital presence. When an employer looks at what you have been doing during your college career, yes, they want to see a good GPA, but that is not the end-all. Admins want to see a balance between academics, extracurricular activities, outreach, professional development, etc. So, showcase what makes you more than your GPA in your resume, cover letter, and digital presence (through your social media or a digital portfolio). Remember to keep the professional public and your personal private.

7. Suit up! Even though the first round interview is usually 20 minutes or so, you still need to suit up! Challenge accepted. Make sure that you are lookin’ good for that first-round interview. During that first round interview, make sure that you show who you are and why you want to be an educator of excellence.

6. Focus! During a second-round interview, we focus on content, content, content. This interview will probably include content-specific teachers who will chime in on the interview process.

5. I want to find you online. - YES, my friends, an administrator will be googling you and finding information about YOU! So you want them to find a positive, professional presence. Leave breadcrumbs of awesomeness online about you - from your digital portfolio to Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, etc. Keep your professional information public and your personal information private. If you want to learn more about this, then, my friends, you have to check out EduMagic: A Guide for Preservice Teachers.

4. Superheroes unite! You will never be as famous as you are when you are in the town of the school in which you work (unless you become internet famous). So what does this mean? In the eyes of those children you teach every day, you are a superhero—you are famous! So embrace it and be a mentor wherever you go. Set a good example—you are someone’s role model!

3. Just say no to the sage on the stage - during the third-round interview, show the team what you know, but don’t be that sage on the stage. Don’t be afraid to get the students working in groups to demonstrate those 4C’s (communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking). Try to differentiate instruction for students. But friends, please don’t be the one standing up there delivering content for the entire 20-minute lesson. Yes, you can deliver bits of content, but be sure to mix it up with think pair shares and group work and truly engage the students in learning.

2. Highlight your experiences—OK, first, let’s get this out of the way—you are not just a preservice teacher. You have so much to offer a classroom and a district. True, you may not have years of experience, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to offer. You have ideas, experiences, thoughts, and innovative ways to teach concepts—so highlight those! Share what you did and how you will impact their school. Show it and let it shine!

1. Gold star example - OK, guys, true story: the first-round interview may not look at your digital portfolio, but this third round and final round, yes! Please use that to your advantage. If you can answer an interview question with an example and point to that example in your digital portfolio showing that idea - then boom! That is the secret sauce: if you can show what you did through video, images, links, etc., that is powerful! My friends use your digital portfolio to show what you can do and what you can bring to a classroom.

So, let’s recap:

· Proofread your application (might as well add to that resume, cover letter, digital portfolio)

· Don’t start every sentence with “I…”

· Balance

· Suit up!

· Focus on the content during the second round

· Be found online. Let the positive professional presence shine through.

· Don’t be the sage on the stage during the teaching demonstration

· Highlight the experiences you have! Show them off!

· Gold star example – point to your digital portfolio to showcase an example!

Comment below with advice that you have for that first teaching job!

Get the FREE PDF workbook to help you think through each area here.

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